Reset Password
  • 02 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Reset Password

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Article summary

If you are unable to remember your password, follow these steps to reset your password:

  1. Open an internet browser and navigate to

  2. Click the Forgot your password? link.

MYSelectPT_Patient Portal_Forgot Your Password Button.jpg

  1. Enter the Email address associated with your MYSelectPT Portal account.

  2. Click Send me reset password instructions. You will be sent a reset email.

MYSelectPT_Patient Portal_Forgot Password_Send me reset password instructions.png

  1. Select Reset Password within the email.

MYSelectPT_Patient Portal_Forgot Password_Reset Password Button.png

  1. A new page will open in your internet browser. Enter a New password and Confirm new password.

  2. Then, click Change my password. You will be automatically logged in to the application.

MYSelectPT_Patient Portal_Forgot Password_Change my password button.png

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